Online public seminars
We currently do not have any CPD courses, but please contact us at: if you want a customised quotation for your company
These terms and conditions apply to all online bookings for Altimax training interventions.
Content: The content of the recording is relevant at the time of the recording being made. Future purchasers should be aware of amendments of and new standards / legislation / regulation since that date which are not included in the recording.
Registration: Registration is confirmed upon receipt of the e-mail via Altimax’s electronic registration system. To attend the session, the delegate will need to follow the link on the e-mail; log into the system at least 10 minutes before commencement of the advertised time; and navigate to the relevant course to be attended. Sessions will commence strictly on time.
Connectivity: If a delegate experiences connectivity issues during the session, a recording will be made available afterwards. Delegates should contact us through our chatbox on our website if any questions were not answered during the session.
· Payment for bookings must be made in advance via the PayFast function on the Altimax website.
· Prices include VAT (where relevant).
· Payment upon online booking will be immediate.
Refund: Delegates will not be entitled to receive a refund of the training intervention fee, except where the training intervention was cancelled by Altimax. Refunds must be claimed within 14 calendar days by contacting
Cancellation: Should a delegate be unable to attend a training session, a recordings will be made available afterwards.
Transfers: Transfers will not be allowed between delegates or courses, as the system will not be able to provide a correct CPD certificate. As recordings of sessions are provided no holdovers to other courses will be allowed.
Limitation of liability: To the extent allowed by law, Altimax shall not be liable to any person whatsoever in respect of any loss or damage caused by or arising from any fact or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of Altimax, or which is consequential or incidental or damage whatever nature and howsoever arising from or in connection with any booking. To the extent allowed by law, Altimax’s liability shall in any event and under all circumstances be limited to the refund of the training intervention fee.
POPI and POPIA (South African delegates only): In terms of POPIA Altimax requires permission for the collection and storage of personal information. By purchasing any of the Altimax courses, delegates hereby give consent to collection of data and the recording of the training session(s) for the specific purposes as outlined below:
· Collection of data:
Information is collected solely to send out links to the training sessions and for issuing continuous professional development (CPD) or attendance certificates. Altimax
retains this information for a period of 7 years to enable verification as required by SETA regulations. The information is not used for anything else than described below. Altimax collects the following information for each delegate:
• Full name and surname
• ID number
• E-mail address
• Designation
• Processing of data:
The purpose of recording training sessions is to make the recordings available to delegates who could not attend the session, or to make recordings available to delegates who would like to refer to certain, or all, sections of the training sessions (where applicable).
Timing of sessions: Advertised times are estimated times as the time makes provision for question-and-answer sessions.
Accuracy of data: Altimax is not responsible for any errors of delegate information made during the registration process. It remains the responsibility of each delegate to ensure information is recorded accurately upon registration.
Prices: Altimax reserves the right to change the prices of courses at any given point in time. Any courses purchased and paid for before such a change will not be impacted by such price fluctuations.
Attendance of sessions: Prices of courses reflect the price per delegate and attendance is limited to the number of delegates that have paid for the session.
Training material: All training material, including slides and recordings, are copyrighted and distribution is strictly prohibited. This includes recording and distribution of the session to people other than registered delegates.
Altimax’s legal information:
Company name: Altimax (Pty) Ltd
Registration number: 2003/017795/07
Altimax’s personnel subscribes to SAICA and IRBA’s code of conducts, available on their respective websites: